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My Manifesto



Because life is better with your personal manifesto as your guide.

Are you feeling uncertain, lost, stuck, or confused? Do you question whether the life you’re living truly reflects who you are? Imagine finding the clarity you need to understand your true self, define your values, and choose a direction that resonates with your deepest intentions?

At My Manifesto, we believe in the transformative power of creating a personal manifesto — a private declaration of your wisdom and intentions. This powerful tool can bring clarity to your life, guide you through challenges, and foster a deep sense of inner peace.

In this talk, you’ll discover what a personal manifesto is, who it’s for, how it can make a difference in your life, and how to create this valuable document. You’ll be introduced to a unique 7-step process that will help you see your life with fresh perspective and renewed purpose.

It will be held in the Council meeting room upstairs at the Eastern End of Realm on Wednesday 4th September from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm.

Members Free, Non-members $10, bookings are essential.

Click here to book!
